Summer Webinar Series
Webinar: Galileo Predictive Demand Planning
How does your business ensure that it has the right products available to meet market demand while controlling costs? As part of their effort to deliver better customer experiences, build competitive differentiation, and ensure cost efficiency, businesses are implementing automated, predictive demand planning systems.
Join us for a complimentary webinar on July 13th to see QueBIT’s Galileo Predictive Demand Planning solution and learn how it has helped other customers maximize revenues through forecast accuracy while controlling costs. Register Today!
Webinar: Leveraging Planning Analytics & CDM to streamline Financial Reporting and improve Budgeting at Stein Mart
Hear first hand how Stein Mart addressed challenges with manual budgeting and reporting processes.
Join us for a complimentary webinar on July 27th and find out how the flexibility in Planning Analytics and CDM combined with QueBIT's FrameWORQ quick start model enabled Stein Mart to implement a full solution and meet their aggressive deadlines. Register Today!
Webinar - Tips & Tricks for TM1 Perspective Templates with Tractor Supply Co
Join us for this complimentary webinar and hear Dan Thomas of Tractor Supply share useful and practical Tips and Tricks for TM1 Perspectives Templates - that enabled him to do even more with this TM1 system and delight his user base. This is a MUST ATTEND for anyone who is a TM1 or Planning Analytics power user or administrator who supports reporting. Register Today!
Webinar: Keep your Planning Analytics/TM1 Engine Humming with these Tune-Up Tips!
Your PA/TM1 application needs regular maintenance tune-ups to keep performing at its best – just like your car! Even if nothing has changed with your business requirements, there are always changes that affect your application.
Join us for this complimentary webinar on August 24th as we take you through a checklist of things our QueBIT experts look for when performing a PA/TM1 healthcheck and performance diagnostic. Now you will be ready to do some tuning up on your own! Register Today!
Missed a recent webinar? Watch it NOW!
Webinar – Athens-Predictive Claims Management for Insurance QueBIT has just released Athens, a predictive claims processing solution to help insurance companies rapidly identify and manage claims that have the potential to be subrogated, investigated for fraud or triaged based on claim complexity.
Webinar: Advanced Topic: Write TM1 Rules like a Pro! If you’re a TM1 user, you know rules are how you work business logic into your model. You probably calculate things like salaries and sales, and you may even have more complex calculations in your model such as exchange rates and allocations.
Webinar – Preparing for Your Cognos Analytics Upgrade Cognos customers currently running an older version (10.2.2 or earlier) and considering an upgrade to unlock the true power and potential of your investment, or just want to stay current with the many enhancements available in Cognos Analytics.